Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Claire's 15 month update and stats

7 lbs 8 oz
19 inches long
Two Week Appointment:
8 lbs 8 oz 75%
20 inches long 75%
Two Month Appointment:
12 lbs 4 oz 75%
 21 inches long 75%
Four Month Appointment:
  16lbs 5oz  75%
25 inches long 75%
Six Month Appointment 
19 lbs 75%
27.5 inches long 95%
Nine Month Appointment
20lbs 3 oz 75%
28.5 inches long 75%
1 year appointment
22 lbs 0 oz 80%
31 inches long 95%
15 Month Appointment
23lbs 12 oz 50%
31 inches long 75%
Wears 18 month clothes now although the 18 month size pants are a little too big for her still. 12 months are to small so she needs an in between size. I put away all her 12 month clothes into storage already and purchased all her new clothing within the last month and a half. FYI Target has a new brand out for babies called Cat & Jack and it's so cute! The shirts are only $5.00 so go check that out. 
Sleeps through the night, 8:00 to 8:30 without waking up. If she does wake up she puts herself back to sleep so I usually just wait and listen to her on the monitor to make sure she's okay. 
Down to one nap a day which ranges anywhere from 1 hour to 3. Usually around 2 hours though. 
Eats all the food we eat and only has a bottle at nap time/ bed time now. She loves cookies, chicken nuggets, eggs, pasta, and french fries. I am trying to make sure she has a more balanced diet now, which in turn makes me have a more balanced diet so win win. 
She can walk now, she actually started walking about 3 weeks before she turned one but would still crawl every now and then like most babies. She officially started walking all the time about 3 weeks after she turned one. Now she is running, literally all over the place. 
She still whistles, and now loves dancing. She is very aware of music, and loves to lead the music in church when everyone is singing. 
She loves people! She will go up to anyone and just ask them to hold her. It's so cute. 
She has all her molars in and most of her teeth in now actually. We are just waiting on her k9's.We have started brushing her teeth and she really likes that a lot. 
She can say about 30 words right now and knows some body parts, some colors and animal sounds. She is so smart, our pediatrician actually said we will have to watch that to see how she continues to develop because of how fast she is learning everything. 

As for us. I recently had another miscarriage earlier this month (December). We were so excited to be pregnant but also a little overwhelmed. We do want our kids to be close in age but have decided to wait for a little bit before trying again. I have been diagnosed with progesterone deficiency which is why I have miscarriages. Basically my body doesn't produce enough progesterone at all and so we are looking into ways to regulate that. 
Zack recently graduated from his electrician school at the top of his class. I was so proud of him and he got a lot of awards for being at the top. 
We also moved! We honestly weren't planning on doing that but things just worked out and we ended up purchasing a house in Payson Utah. We have loved living here and although we know we wont live here forever we will be here for a while and we are excited to be apart of the community here. 

I am planning on blogging more in 2017. I kind of fell off the track with it when I started my new job but I really want to get back into blogging more. It's been so fun looking back at all my posts from earlier this year and I don't journal very good so this is a good way for me to do that. 

Here are some pictures from the last little while. Thanks for reading!
