Monday, May 15, 2017

May Blogging Plan

May has gotten away from me. Basically April did to. I was doing so good on my goals until about the last week of April and the end of May. This is also when I was going through a planner crisis and wasn't keeping up on my planner, I think it is in correlation because I feel like everything is getting away from me right now. It doesn't help we went on vacation's back to back and then we had some major holidays (Mother's Day and Easter). I have plans to get back to everything and I am starting with the blog.

First I am going back to my posting twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That means five more posts I need to come up with for May. For ideas so far I have, My blogging plan (already typing up that one), Books I read April and May (I am going to combine these two because I didn't read very much in April and hardly at all in May), I am your typical Mormon Mom and I love it (in response to this post by Al Carraway. I love her and I wanted to share what I thought about being a working Mormon Mom and why that is OK to), Toddler Favorites for a 21 month old (Ah!! I can't believe that), and I can't come up with a fifth post.
So that is my blogging goals so far. As for reading (which is a part of blogging goals since I post on what I read), I am currently reading a book called America's First Daughter and so far I like it. I also checked out Better Than Before by Gretchen Rubin and hope to at least crack it open soon. I think that is all I will get through this month and I might not even get through those but here's to hoping.
Life has been really good lately, just busy and I am still dealing with Anxiety and trying to figure that all out. I hope to keep up with the blog more as I do love sharing our adventures here.
Maybe that is what I will do for the last post in May is a combination of what we have done all month, like a monthly recap.


Saturday, May 6, 2017

St George Trip #3

I am behind on posting by 3 posts. I don't know how many people are following this blog regularly but I try and post twice a week. Last time I posted was April 25 so I need to write 3 posts to "catch up". Of course no one is holding me accountable for these posts so it's not really something I need to catch up on but I like to put out a lot of content for you guys. It's fun and let's me share my ideas with you all.
Can you believe we went to St. George again? Okay for those of you who don't know Zack's aunt (his dad's sister) owns rental homes in St. George. Zack's mom goes down to St. George to help her set up the houses and in exchange for all that work she gets some vacation time. She loves us a lot so we are so lucky to be able to go down as much as we do. Thank you so much Rose for letting us hang with you! It's always fun!

Day 1. We left Thursday April 20th and Claire and I rode down with Dave and Rose. Zack couldn't come until after work on Friday but since I didn't have work I wanted to spend Friday down there. So day one was mostly a driving day this is what Claire did most of the time:

 Once we got down there we went and stopped by the brand new rental house (seriously it's gorgeous!). The house has a huge play area in it and even a slide. This is Claire on the slide that day and she loved it.

Day 2:
We woke up and hung out in the morning. Claire watched Sofia the first and then played with toys while Dave and Rose went back to the new house to do some work.

Claire loved this awesome play area that the rental house has upstairs and played there all day.
Finally Nana and Grandpa came back and we went swimming. We swam for a while then Claire went down for a nap and so did I (I swallowed to much pool water so I was sick). After our nap we went on a four wheeler ride really quick.

 Notice how we strapped her car seat in, that is the nice thing about having a side by side. Then after four wheeling we went to Don Pedro's for late lunch/ early dinner. I love Mexican food so it was super yummy.

 When we got home Claire wanted to play for a little bit up stairs so we dressed her up in this adorable pirate outfit and it was so fun.

After that I put her to bed and then hung out until Zack got there which he did around 9:30 at night.

Day 2

We spent the majority of the day swimming that morning. Zack did go help with some furniture at the new rental house and so it was late morning by the time we got in the pool. It was so fun to go swimming.

After swimming everyone just kind of relaxed and the girls were so cute watching Sofia.

 Shortly after Claire and Zack passed out cause they were so tired.

Then we had dinner and I put Claire to bed while everyone went back to the new house to work.

Day 3.
This was Sunday and we just went to church in the morning, Cleaned the house after church and drove back home.
It was a super fun trip and I am excited for the next one.
